This Android application is a Student Book and Teachers Guidebook for Physical Education, Sports and...
This Android application is a Student Book and Teachers Guidebook for Physical Education, Sports and Health / PJOK for Middle School Class 9 Curriculum 2013. In Pdf format.Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK) for Class IX SMP/MTs presented in this book is also subject to these provisions. PJOK is a subject that equips students with knowledge about physical movement in sports and the health factors that can influence it, skills in carrying out physical movements in sports and maintaining their health, as well as the behavioral attitudes required in exercising and maintaining health as a complete unit so that participants are formed students who are aware of physical fitness, aware of sports, and aware of health.The activities are designed to be activity-based related to a number of types of physical movement/sports and efforts to maintain health that are suitable for Class IX SMP/MTs students. These activities are designed to make students accustomed to doing physical movement and exercising happily because they feel the need to do so and are aware of the importance of maintaining physical health both through physical movement and exercise and by paying attention to the health factors that influence it. As a subject that contains elements of local content, additional material extracted from local wisdom and relevant to this subject is highly expected to be added to enrich this book.This book describes the minimum effort that students must make to achieve the expected competencies. In accordance with the approach used in the 2013 Curriculum, students are invited to be brave enough to look for other learning resources that are available and spread widely around them. The teachers role in increasing and adapting students absorption capacity to the availability of activities in this book is very important. Teachers can enrich it with creations in the form of other appropriate and relevant activities originating from the social and natural environment.This book is the 2nd edition as a refinement of the 1st edition. This book is very open and needs continuous improvement and refinement. For this reason, we invite readers to provide criticism, suggestions and input for improvements and improvements in the next edition. For this contribution, we thank you. Hopefully we can provide the best for the progress of the world of education in order to prepare the generation for the centennial of Indonesias Independence (2045).Hopefully this application can be useful and become a loyal friend in the teaching and learning process at all times.Please give us reviews and input for the development of this application, give us a 5 star rating to encourage us to develop other useful applications.Have a good study.Disclaimer:This Student Book or Teachers Guide is a free book whose copyright is owned by the Ministry of Education and Culture.Material sourced from We help provide these learning resources but do not represent the Ministry of Education and Culture.